C & C Plumbing & Septic
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Water Treatment

Water Treatment in Southern  Maryland

Water Treatment Questionnaire

Water Softener Benefits

CSI Water Treatment Systems 
Located in Ashland, Ohio, where it was founded in 1995, CSI Water Treatment Systems is a division of Chandler Systems, Inc., a family of companies with decades of experience bringing new and innovative technologies and products to the water treatment industry.​

C&C Plumbing & Septic, Inc. is a local dealer of CSI Products

CSI Water Treatment systems are cutting edge in technology. They are the only system that can be set-up, controlled, and monitored from a smartphone app. No other system has this bluetooth technology. Check out what the app can do here!
  • Save Money on Utility Bills
  • Get Rid of Hard Water Buildup
  • Give Your Appliances a Longer Life
  • Better Looking Skin and Hair
  • Protects Plumbing
  • Keeps Water Pressure Strong 

Call today for a free* water test! 

Not sure if you should have your water tested for FREE, read below to find out!
CSI Water Treatment Systems have many different products to serve all of your needs. CSI has Water Softeners, Filters, Odor Removers, Iron/Sulfur filters, Commercial products, and other options. You should have your water tested if you have any of the problems:

  • Sulfur Smell - Rotten Egg Smell in both your hot and cold water
  • Staining in the bowl of your toilet
  • Film or spots on dishes after using dishwasher
  • Hard water spots on fixtures
  • Staining of clothes after washing - especially whites
  • Have to use a lot of soap or detergent
  • Visible particles of minerals coming out of the faucet 

If you have any or all of the above, you should have your water tested for free to see how CSI Water Treatment Systems and C&C Plumbing & Septic, Inc. can help. 
Frequently Asked Questions

What is hard water?

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content. Water accumulates deposits of limestone and chalk which are largely made up of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.

Is hard water safe to drink?

Yes, hard water is safe to drink. Hard water is really just more of a nuisance. Hard water often leaves spots of mineral deposits on fixtures and car windows after washing your car. Hard water also reduces the performance of soaps and detergents.

How can CSI Water Treatment Systems Help?​

  • Remove/Reduce Chlorine Smell and Taste
  • Remove/Reduce Rotten Egg Smell
  • Stop/Reduce Staining
  • Remove/Reduce Hardness
  • Stop/Reduce Corrosion

How do water softeners work?

There are many types of water softeners but the basic process is simple. The softener softens your water by a process called ion exchange. The softener has a mineral tank filled with small polystyrene beads or "resin." This resin is negatively charged and when the water passes through the resin, the positively charged mineral deposits in the water attach to the resin effectively softening the water.

Why do I need salt?

​​Over time, the Resin in the softener becomes "full" of minerals. The softener will start a process called 'backwash' where water that has been soaking the salt will be ran through the resin at a very slow rate. This salty water is also negatively charged. The minerals from the resin attach to the salt and is then discharged outside. Now, the resin is 'empty' and the process can start over again where the minerals are being taken out of your water. The hardness of your water will determine how many gallons can be softened before there is a need to backwash.

What is a whole house filter?

A whole house filter is a water filter that filters the water for your entire house. This helps with removing visible particles in your water. Filters do not soften your water. They help improve the flavor, remove chlorine, neutralize acidity, and or eliminate the smell and color of the water depending on the type of filter you want or need. 
Have questions about water softeners & other water treatment equipment? Are you interested in salt delivery and service for your existing water treatment equipment? Call us or use the form below! 
*Please, water treatment inquiries ONLY. Please use "contact us" page for other inquiries.

Water Softener
Iron Remover
Whole House Filter
Currently No Water Treatment
* Water Test is free for water softener customers only. Tests only for hardness, total dissolved solids, iron, & pH. Does not test for bacteria, contaminants, or chlorine. 
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